
Scapes were first announced in July 2021.
The project and its associated token were originally called PunkScapes and were intended to serve as "10,000 homes for the CryptoPunks."

We received much love from other communities, and decided to expand our mission to become a home for all and to make Scapes the most composable NFTs arround. This revised mission was also the main motivation behind our rebranding from PunkScapes to Scapes.

Let's dive into the Timeline:

04.09.21 - OneDayPunks mint out

25.09.21 - First PunkScape minted

03.10.21 - PunkScapes mint out

09.12.21 - New Website goes live

15.12.21 - Scape Builder launches

02.02.22 - Gallery Twenty Seven Day One

21.06.22 - Scape Radio launches

12.09.22 - New York Fashion Week x Scapes

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